Sunday, October 18, 2015

Week 6 Assignment: Choropleth Maps

This map represents a graduated symbol map.

This is a manual break map

This is a natural break map.

This map shows the population change from 2000 to 2010.

This map shows the standard deviation in 2010.


  1. Hi Miss, just as i uploaded it I realized that I forgot to put in a title and legend. But does it matter or is it okay as is? Thank you!

  2. Hi Tishawn,
    Your maps look very nice!
    Part of the assignment for this next week is going to be making corrections to last weeks maps based on the comments I provide.
    As part of this weeks assignment I would like you to:
    1) add titles, legends, north arrows, scale bars, source and author information (all of the map elements really).
    2) Find out why China and a few other countries are missing from your natural breaks map and try to get them back
    3) Standard deviation maps usually have divergent colors (meaning two different colors with a neutral color for the mean) similar to your population change from 2000-2010 colors scheme. Also, standard deviation maps look nice with at least 5 classes instead of three. Having only three is not wrong, but having five will improve your map.

    Did you understand the email I sent out about adding a new layer for each map and then just adjusting the information in the title/legend? Then you just export and save different versions of the maps without having to actually redesign the map layout each time.
